1. Book ahead of time. Anyone who has been delayed in booking flights is familiar with the pain of watching prices climb by the day. The closer the date of the flight comes, the higher the prices climb – and the same goes for every other part of a trip. Planning well ahead of time is essential if you want prices to remain reasonable. On top of this, the earlier you book, the more options you have for accommodation and activities.
2. Live like a local. We’ve all seen, and most likely been, the cringeworthy tourist at some point. But travelling like a tourist not only damages our dignity, it breaks the bank too. A good thing to keep in mind while travelling is that the city you are visiting is full of people who live there every day. Eating out, getting around and enjoying the city can be done for a reasonable price, if you’re willing to live like a local. For example, find the local supermarkets close to your accommodation, and eat some meals as if you were at home. Luxurious food is appealing, but it certainly comes at a cost.
4. Know that it is an investment. An important thing to keep in mind is that while travel costs money, the amount spent on it is absolutely an investment. Especially for young people, travel teaches skills and creates memories that are irreplaceable, and are unlikely to be gained anywhere else. Travel is undoubtedly a gift that keeps on giving.