You can learn a lot about yourself when you are completely out of your comfort zone and you will be amazed at how your relationship could bloom now that there is no more long distance. Alternatively you could freak out and think "what have I done?"
![]() Would you move overseas for love? Moving overseas for love is a massive commitment, but it becomes very tempting when the unromantic Skype session and email just don't cut it. When you date someone, and you both have different passport countries, you must consider at some point that one of you will have to move to the others country if your relationship is to move forward. There are pros and cons about moving across the world for the one you love. One of the pros of moving overseas for the one you love is that it is an adventure and you won't have regrets that you didn't at least try. You wouldn't want to miss the once in a lifetime opportunity to be with "the one" and if you actually make the sacrifice to move you will eliminate any regret. Don't they say that it is better to have love and lost than to never love at all? One of the negatives of moving overseas to be with your loved one is that you will initially be totally dependant on your partner until you settle in and create your own niche. You will be unaccustomed to your surroundings, you wont see familiar faces, food can be different and you generally won't feel as comfortable. To eliminate some of this issue you could learn the language before you go? Another bonus of moving overseas is that you get to experience a new country and culture and you can tick that off your bucket list. Sometimes though the feeling of not ever truly belonging may eventually get to you. You can learn a lot about yourself when you are completely out of your comfort zone and you will be amazed at how your relationship could bloom now that there is no more long distance. Alternatively you could freak out and think "what have I done?" If you have learnt the language and culture before you go you may find that you have an increased access to job opportunities as obviously the language barrier would prevent you from getting a job other than maybe teaching English (which you may enjoy). Happy endings are never assured in any relationship, but if you can look back on your life with no regrets, then you have succeeded. Is it worth moving overseas for love? Only you can be the judge of that.
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![]() The importance of being multilingual should not be overlooked by frequent travellers (when we can travel once more). It becomes essential in some parts of the globe, just like your passport or mobile. Learning a new language reaps benefits beyond the reach of tourist maps, guides etc… Books and internet are of no use when you have to negotiate prices with a street vendor who doesn’t speak your native tongue. There are many official excuses about why you should avoid learning a few foreign languages. Most excuses include being too busy or too lazy. Nevertheless, we have come up with a few reasons why you shouldn’t excuse yourself from enriching your travel experience through leaning a language. Learning any foreign language is easy: Learning any foreign language with VLLC is much easier than it sounds. It can be accomplished much more quickly than you expect. The key is to know what you want. You don’t have to be proficient enough to write poetry and you don’t have to be intimidated by the strange looking alphabets and never ending grammatical rules. For starters, you don’t have to be fluent in the language to survive in any country. The ability to communicate and have a decent understanding of the language goes a long way. Learning a language specifically for travel can include relevant vocabulary in a short period of time is really possible with VLLC. Learning local language makes life easy: When you speak their language, you can have a far more valuable experience with the locals. Knowing how to order food and drinks at hotels alone can save you money. It’s logistically easier to navigate a city through trains, buses or walking, when you know some basics in the language. You can also protect yourself from scams more readily if you speak their language as you do when you speak only English. Being able to speak the local language helps you to be accepted more readily for the most part. Not looking like an Uber-tourist in any foreign land has its benefits. Learning a few words to enable you to ask for directions doesn’t demand too much preparation. Language is the gateway to culture: If you have ever tried learning a foreign language, you would know language isn’t the only thing you would absorb. Along with the language, you would learn some history and culture of the country. Even being able to read a passage in a short story would open your mind to various aspects of culture or folklore. Some cultural values would appeal to you and stay forever. Difference in the depth of understanding of a poem or story would vary with the way you learn it. Reading mere translations and reading the original passage would show the difference. Foreign music can also take your experience to a whole new level. Local language keeps loneliness at bay: It’s common to feel lonelier when you are away from home. Homesickness can creep in subtly. When you know the language, you can make friends more easily. Sharing a story is a lot better than just a smile. Developing lasting relationships in a safe and pleasant manner can be a real life changing experience. Knowing the local language gives you more options to do something interesting than just following the run of mill tourist plan. Your ability to experience local life in a new country would increase dramatically. There wouldn’t be any need to resort to the lonely international traveller lifestyle. Learning reflects your gratitude and courtesy: Leaning the local language makes you appear more interested and courteous toward the locals. It shows the respect you have for foreign countries’ and their people. When visiting a country, you need to learn at least some basic language, out of respect. The benefits of learning a new language are far more reaching than you think. New language rewards you with new acquaintances and memories. Contact VLLC for more information on how you can prepare for your next overseas trip.
AboutTravelling is an exciting opportunity which can be enhanced by learning the language before you go. This blog contains some interesting articles about language and travel. Archives
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