Certificate III in Applied LanguageThis course is accredited by ASQA and entered on the National Register. Course code 11074NAT. VLLC Is registered to deliver this course and will ensure that all national guidelines are complied with.
This course builds on the Certificate II in Applied Language and is designed to provide individuals with language skills and intercultural knowledge to enable them to communicate routine information in social and workplace situations in a language other than English, both in Australia and overseas. The course can be applied to any language VLLC offers. This accredited course achieves an intermediate proficiency in:
The outcomes described in this unit relate to: The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) descriptors at levels A2 – B1 (Basic User) The International Second Language Proficiency Rating (ISLPR) at level 2+/3 (Able to perform effectively in a range of informal and formal situations and in situations which are not linguistically demanding in own vocational fields). |
What you will be able to do after completing the Certificate III in Applied Language at Vocational Language Learning Centre:
Course Details and Units This Certificate achieves a social proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening and achieves an approximate ISLPR level 2+/3 in these four skill areas. Certificate III in Applied Language includes the following areas:
The Course is a combination of online learning with individual tuition, homework tasks and regular chats with the Student Coordinator and Tutors. Access your course from the comfort of your own home or office. With the convenience of 24/7 access you will save time and money and enjoy the flexibility of arranging your course time around you own busy schedule. Language choices can be discussed with the Course Co-ordinator. Please Contact Us for further details. Prerequisites Completion of the Certificate II in Applied Language (or appropriate prior learning), commitment, enthusiasm and the ability to follow the course procedures is all you need to start seeing results. Other VLLC courses available For learning languages to communicate better in your relationships, for ease of travel overseas or to just keep your mind active, VLLC also offers the following courses: For Work, For Travel, For An Active Mind. |
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VLLC offer a comprehensive range of language courses with both on-line and in-house options available. Click below for details.
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on 03 6427 0551 or 03 9602 1605
on 03 6427 0551 or 03 9602 1605