Privacy Policy
The Australian Government has amended specific laws relating to ensuring the Privacy of consumer information. These laws regulate the collection, storage and use of information about individual people. Vocational Language Learning Centre abides by the following Australian Privacy Principles. We advise as follows:
1. Vocational Language Learning Centres collect personal information, including sensitive information about students before and during the course of a student’s enrollment at the Centre. The primary purpose of the Centre to collect this information is to enable the Centre to provide language tuition to you. Some of the information that we collect is to satisfy the Centre’s legal obligation, particularly to enable the Centre to discharge its Duty of Care.
2. The Centre from time to time discloses personal and sensitive information to V.L.L.C Aust or possibly other Vocational Language Learning Centres as well as your tutors and where relevant others involved in your tuition at the Centre. Personal information collected from students may be disclosed to V.L.L.C Aust for the purpose of monitoring the quality of the tuition being provided to you and whether the Centre is conforming to the policies and procedures determined by V.L.L.C Aust.
3. Students may seek access to personal information collected about them by contacting the Centre. However, there may be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have unreasonable impact on the privacy of others.
4. Information received from you may be used to correspond with you however we will not disclose your personal information to third parties for any marketing purposes without your consent.
5. If you provide the Centre with personal information of others, such as Doctors or Emergency Contacts, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the Centre and why: That they can access that information if they wish and the Centre does not usually disclose such information to third parties.
6. You are required to sign in for each session you attend. Your name may be visible to other students in this book. If this causes concern please discuss it with the Centre Manager.
7. Students can be assured that personal information provided to V.L.L.C will be given maximum protection and made available only to authorised users such as employers where a contract (e.g. training) exists, or to government bodies. In the case of students under 18, parents/guardians may be informed of student progress and results. If required, Students will be provided access to their academic and participation records in a timely manner by enquiring to the Student Coordinator in regard to Course information or the Centre Manager in regard to Finance.
8. No information about students is released over the telephone. This means that staff at V.L.L.C cannot take messages for students or confirm by telephone that students are attending classes or even enrolled.
If you have any queries relating to this please feel free to discuss them with the Centre Manager. See Privacy Amendment Act 2012 and Privacy Regulation 2013 at
Vocational Language Learning Centre is a Registered Training Organisation (0773) under ASQA and complies with legislation in accordance to the current National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011, WHS Act 2012, also see Access and Equity and Privacy sections of this document. All relevant legislation can be found at This policy relates to
The Australian Government has amended specific laws relating to ensuring the Privacy of consumer information. These laws regulate the collection, storage and use of information about individual people. Vocational Language Learning Centre abides by the following Australian Privacy Principles. We advise as follows:
1. Vocational Language Learning Centres collect personal information, including sensitive information about students before and during the course of a student’s enrollment at the Centre. The primary purpose of the Centre to collect this information is to enable the Centre to provide language tuition to you. Some of the information that we collect is to satisfy the Centre’s legal obligation, particularly to enable the Centre to discharge its Duty of Care.
2. The Centre from time to time discloses personal and sensitive information to V.L.L.C Aust or possibly other Vocational Language Learning Centres as well as your tutors and where relevant others involved in your tuition at the Centre. Personal information collected from students may be disclosed to V.L.L.C Aust for the purpose of monitoring the quality of the tuition being provided to you and whether the Centre is conforming to the policies and procedures determined by V.L.L.C Aust.
3. Students may seek access to personal information collected about them by contacting the Centre. However, there may be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have unreasonable impact on the privacy of others.
4. Information received from you may be used to correspond with you however we will not disclose your personal information to third parties for any marketing purposes without your consent.
5. If you provide the Centre with personal information of others, such as Doctors or Emergency Contacts, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the Centre and why: That they can access that information if they wish and the Centre does not usually disclose such information to third parties.
6. You are required to sign in for each session you attend. Your name may be visible to other students in this book. If this causes concern please discuss it with the Centre Manager.
7. Students can be assured that personal information provided to V.L.L.C will be given maximum protection and made available only to authorised users such as employers where a contract (e.g. training) exists, or to government bodies. In the case of students under 18, parents/guardians may be informed of student progress and results. If required, Students will be provided access to their academic and participation records in a timely manner by enquiring to the Student Coordinator in regard to Course information or the Centre Manager in regard to Finance.
8. No information about students is released over the telephone. This means that staff at V.L.L.C cannot take messages for students or confirm by telephone that students are attending classes or even enrolled.
If you have any queries relating to this please feel free to discuss them with the Centre Manager. See Privacy Amendment Act 2012 and Privacy Regulation 2013 at
Vocational Language Learning Centre is a Registered Training Organisation (0773) under ASQA and complies with legislation in accordance to the current National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011, WHS Act 2012, also see Access and Equity and Privacy sections of this document. All relevant legislation can be found at This policy relates to
- The Privacy Act 1988
- The Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Act 2022, which commenced on 13 December 2022, introduced targeted measures to enhance the OAIC’s ability to regulate in line with community expectations and protect Australians’ privacy in the digital environment.