Accelerated learning techniques can help the learner reach a comfortable, relaxed, yet alert alpha state of mind – receptive and open to new material and new ways of learning. You can accelerate any learning that you want to do – you need to learn how!!
Learning enhancement methods used in accelerated learning include music,relaxation/breathing, visualisations, affirmations, colours and mind maps, activities.
Today’s blog focuses on Music….
There is nothing new in using music to bring about an altered state of mind. Baroque composers used music in creating a relaxed state to take the mind ‘off’ day to day concerns and transform the listener into a harmonious state of well-being. In the process these composers created an ideal form, harmony and frequency in their music that produced the alpha state of calm, relaxed alertness (ready to learn and remember).
Throughout time, people have recognized and intentionally used the powerful effects of sound. In the 20th century the western scientific community has conducted research to validate and expand our analytical knowledge of music. This research supports what we know from personal experience: Music greatly affects and enhances our learning and living!
The use of music and rhythm can directly stimulate the limbic system within the brain. Stimulating the emotions greatly enhances our long term memory capacity. The use of colours, smells, rhyme and tone can also stimulate the limbic system.
But as Jeffry Hodges points out in Learn Faster Now… “If you don’t use the correct type of music with the very specific slow rhythm and 4/4 beat, the desired physiological and mental changes will not occur and learning will not be as effective”.
Have a try and let me know how it works for you.. Michele