- I absolutely love having a conversation in another language, being able to understand what someone is saying to me and that they can actually understand what I am saying to them gives me a real thrill every time, the novelty of it all never wears off and it really has the WOW factor that is impossible to describe.
- I have realized that the way I like to learn a language is to be able to talk and have a go without someone stopping me when I make mistakes.. Ok yes, I have also learned that I have an impatient streak!!
- Learning Russian has made me more inquisitive about the culture, helping me to understand things so much better through the language. The two really go hand in hand.
- I have developed huge empathy for non native English speakers living in Australia.
- I have learned to laugh at myself. Sometimes I don’t get it right – and yes, it’s actually funny, if you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at?