I am sure you are all able to recall the last time you were in a non-resourceful state – this is when you are worried, stressed, doubting, full of panic or anger, sad, resentful etc etc etc. When you are in one of these states of mind I am sure you have discovered that you are not able to do much, let alone learn very effectively.
Step 1: Recall a time when you felt really successful – it can be either a key moment in your life or a fabulous learning experience/tutorial you had. It may be a key work or personal moment; or when you had a tutorial and only spoke your new language – it all came easily.
Step 2: Now, go back to that memory and intensify it. What did you see at that moment? What did you hear? What did you feel? Recall the memory with emotion – use all your senses to create as much detail as possible. You want to recreate the same feeling of success.
Step 3: How do you feel? You should feel successful, competent, strong. Now visualise your language goal (see my previous blog) – again using all your senses. Be in a Parisian café speaking to the waiter; around the family table in Russia talking to relatives – whatever means something to you.
Step 4: Start your lesson/tutorial…….
Good luck, Jo