We all know that we learn differently.
Some of us love to study by ourselves; others learn best in groups.
Some of us love to learn while sitting on the beach or in front of the TV, others in a quiet environment.
There is no right or wrong .....
Each of us has a preferred learning style and Fleming's (2001) Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic (VAK) model identifies 3 specific preferred learning styles:
1. Visual Learners - learn best when they can see pictures of what they are learning, so it is important to use pictures and diagrams.
2. Auditory learners - learn best through sound - music and talk. They think in words rather than in pictures so it is important to have discussions, verbal lectures and allow them to talk things through.
3. Kinaesthetic learners - learn best when they are involved, moving, experiencing and experimenting - they express themselves through movement, It is important to do role plays, walk around and use juggling balls.
The more you can learn through a combination of these styles - visual auditory and kinaesthetic, the more effective your learning will be Have a try of this questionnaire to identify which style is yours:
Once you have learned what type of learner you are, the following are some techniques that you can use to improve anything you want to learn: If you are a visual learner:
Most of us have a dominant style and a secondary style. If you can identify your preferred styles you will be amazed at how much more effective your learning will be. Id love to hear what your learning style is and what you do to make your learning more effective.