Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication - in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding."
VLLC have been teaching language using this method for more than 32 years. VLLC is a language school with a difference. Our team provides students with a personal approach, using a holistic model to enable development of second languages through picture, sound association. Students are taught to ‘think in their new language’ from day one, rather than translate back to their mother tongue. There is also a strong focus on pronunciation, so that when students speak their new language, they sound like a native speaker. Communicating is about transferring information from one person to another and VLLC's tutors are experts at helping you communicate in your new language.
At VLLC you can experience the transformative power of learning a language with VLLC's personal development guide. Whether it leads you to a new life overseas, gives you confidence to visit new people, fall in love, get a new job; you can learn how to fully embrace change during your language journey.
Michele Colledge CEO, VLLC